Dentyne ConfiDance


hai...yeaaayyyy...dah sebulan joined Youthsays tp hari ni baru je nak bercampaign..hahhahah
tengok blog kawan-kawan lain ynag bercampaign umie nak bercampaign gak la boleh....?? hehhee...

utk pertama kalinya umie nak promote pasal Dyntyne..ada tengok iklan kat tv yang cashiernyer pengsan sb ada sesuatu kat celah gigi tu kali ni nak promote mengenai campaign ni...

So kepada sesiapa yang berminat nak joined campaign ni...

Hey guys and gals! Ever get that feeling where you want to let loose, and just get up and dance? Well, I’ve found the perfect outlet for you!

Check out the Dentyne ConfiDance Movement at For just RM 10, you get to join a 2 hour ‘Soul Groove’ dance training by Urban Groove worth RM100! Plus you get a groovy t-shirt and awesome Cadbury goodies to take home.

If you think you can bust a move, show off your talent at the Dentyne ConfiDance competition and boogey your way to winning prizes of up to RM20,000! All you need to do is submit a video of your team’s dance routine at the Dentyne ConfiDance website by 12 July 2010.

so for more deatail...

Just Click Here--------> Dentyne ConfiDance

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